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My roles and duty

I am the lead Game Designer in this project, my main role is in the narrative and level design. I design most of the game's basic premise and mechanics. I am also the level designer for the game. The original concept came from 1979's Alien and also from 1997's Event Horizon and was thought up by me and with my other designer in the group, we improve and revise and thus Varroa is born.


My main task is designing the main mechanics and the basic premise of the game which gives the game its overall feels and when immersing the player when they are playing the game, I also handle project coordination which is mostly just arranging meeting with the team and also with our mentor.

Draft of level design for the game 
Gameplay Screenshots 
General Area Layout-Jonchew.png
WhatsApp Image 2022-07-30 at 10.17.00 PM.jpeg
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